Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Think Your Bikes On Fire Dude!!!!!!

So late one tasty afternoon in front of the skateshop I was taking in some of the South Shores finest automobiles passing buy. I decided to trick myself into thinking Minivans were the coolest, rarest things on the road so I was wetting my pants in excitement the whole day as the goldmine of excellence kept passing me by......God I need a life...Anyways amongst the plethora of  gorgeous mini people carriers I spotted what looked to be a gent on  some sort of chopped up something.....I made eye contact and he made it back but it seemed as if I was letting him know with my eyes...."Why don't I know you"?.......I later came to find out he thought my shop was a computer store (It's called Technical) and that I was a Jack Sparrow impersonator waiting for a kids birthday party.......Anyways on a couple of occasions I noticed this bloke ride by my shop and we would stare at each other like you did at the new kid the first day at school thinking, "I could use some new friends but if I look tough maybe the new kid will think I'm the coolest kid in here".....So one day standing with Street Bob Andy ( the name is a joke for Christ's sake) my school yard newbie rode right past again in full stare....As I was explaining to Street Bob about this guy he waved him in to the parking lot with an expression like, "Let's find out".......Schoolyard didn't hesitate to u turn this rig and head back to the lot....As he pulled up I noticed he was riding on a completely disgusting absolutely beautiful shit wagon of a KZ......This thing had clearly gotten thrown out of its house when it was little, but my boy had given it a home. This bike was everything that I loved about DIY culture...Right down to the gay Punisher rear fender. (That he later had to stop in the middle of a ride to weld back on and then continue the ride). This guy's name was Jim, and he quickly took on the name Chopper Jim...Anyone who had the balls to ride such a beautiful disaster was my kind of guy and after giving him the proper aptitude test in written form we decided he had to become a Bomber......After hanging out with this kid for awhile he quickly became on of the loyal crew. This guys bike actually made us look good because of its affect on people.....The old schoolers would be like, "Fuck yeah" and the new schoolers would be like, "Fuck that" which was perfect for us.......So one day riding with Chopper Jim he pulled up next to me, German helmet, cigarette in mouth, and Jorts (come on, jean shorts). As I looked over at him on this four lane road we were beating up I happened to notice that he had become a stage prop from a Motley Crue 1987 tour......The fucking kid and bike was on FIRE......I thought to myself, "Well there go the Jorts"..... We pulled over and made sure Chopper Jim hadn't become Burn Victim Jim, and then proceeded to watch this beauty burn....BURN BABY BURN......Some chicks pulled up to ask if it was OK and Chopper told them he was a stuntman and they were filming a Mahhk Whaaaalberg Flick Kiiid....I think he got their number......Anyways he got a new bike but nothing will beat that burned up piece of shit.......RIP

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